Open-rooted walnut sapling must go into winter dormancy period, in order to be shipped from the area, where it has been grown, to the area, where it shall be planted. The sapling may be uprooted from the production area, when it is completely determined that it has gone into winter dormancy. The uprooted sapling must be shipped to the plantation area as soon as possible, or it must be kept within the controlled storages, provided it roots are completely covered with stream sand.

The period of sapling uprooting starts in the middle of November and continues until April in Bandırma region, where we produce saplings.

We carry out uprooting within the period remaining between November and April, in line with the demands received.

As it can be understood from this information, plantation of open-rooted saplings is carried out in the winter period remaining between November and April in our country.

Plantation periods of open-rooted saplings depending on the climate conditions;

1. If the winters are mild and summers are hot and droughty;
Then the plantation of open-rooted saplings starts in November and may be continued until April. Root development of the saplings occurs more quickly particularly in case of plantations to be made before winter.

2. If the winters and summers are normal;
Open-rooted saplings may also be planted in November – December and February-April in the regions having such climate characteristics. As the winter may pass harshly within January and until the mid of February, plantation is not recommended within this time period.

3. If the winters are harsh and summers are normal;
Then plantation is not recommended before winter and within the winter season. Open-rooted saplings may be planted when spring comes, thus in March - April.


Walnut and almond saplings, which are produced as tubed, may be planted in any season of the year.

The facts that their roots are placed in soil continuously and shipment is carried out within soil remove the seasonal restriction in sapling plantation.

However, the climate condition of the region, where plantation shall be carried out, also limits the plantation of tubed sapling, although to a lesser content than open-rooted plantation.

1. If the winters are mild and summers are hot and droughty;
Then, we recommend fall, winter, and spring seasons, in which particularly rain is received in these regions. If you do not have irrigation problem in your plantation area, then plantation may also be carried out in summer season.

2. If the winters and summers are normal;
Plantation of tubed saplings may be carried out in all months.

3. If the winters are harsh and summers are normal;
Then, saplings are not planted in harsh winter season absolutely. The most ideal months for plantation are April, May, and June. It will be very beneficial if the planted sapling enters into winter in its place as strong.

**The sapling pits must be opened in advance, and the soil of the pit must be allowed to meet with sun and oxygen, in planting open-rooted or tubed walnut saplings. **